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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ControlByMail remotely control your pc via mail

ControlByMail is a network app that gives you remote file access by email from any computer or Smartphone. You just send simple emailed commands from wherever you are and they are carried out locally on your home PC automatically.

For using this service first installed on both your home PC and also on the device. You can perform remote functions just by sending emails. Download, read, view, execute, mouse, reboot etc function can performed by mail. Mouse movements are also supported.

ControlByMail automatically runs whenever your PC starts up, so if it crashes and can reboot, then you'll still have remote access. Control by Mail is not affected by firewalls and proxies. This service is not free it will charge.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, it seems to work very well.

Paul said...

Just a correction to your story: this is only installed on your PC, and NOT on any other device. That's what makes it so convenient; you get remote file access to your PC from ANY email-enabled device.
