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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Contest for your blog or website and increase your traffic

if you want to make contest in your blog or web.ContestMachine makes it easy to run a contest.many bloggers struggle to run contests using the the comments feature on blog posts. ContestMachine makes it a lot easier, and with our widget you'll get many more entries.A contest or giveaway is a great way to drive new traffic to your site and collect data from users.

You create a contest widget by entering all the details of the giveaway: prizes, deadlines, rules. Winners can be randomly chosen by ContestMachine or judged by the blogger. It automates the process of creating giveaways, and opens up contests to any blogger or small business who has a Website. The service is free to try out for up to two contests a month, and then charges $9 a month or $90 a year for more contests.

The startup hopes to attract advertisers who want to connect with blog readers and offer products to give away as a form of marketing. If ContestMachine can build up a large enough network of bloggers, big brands might want to use it as an efficient means of creating attention or buzz for their products.

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